-Written 5/14/2021So you have decided to take the plunge and try your hand at Bee Keeping. But you can relax for I will share with you the following concepts and information that will help you determine your setup needs.
-Written 5/17/2021 We setup our Swarm Trap as per the Instructions from Dr. Leo Sharashkins website. https://horizontalhive.com/honeybee-swarm-trap/bait-hive-how-to-catch.shtml (Purchase Full Hives by clicking this text) I setup a Trap At our Home, where it is visible from our Kitchen Window.
I also built a Hive Stand per Dr. Leo Instructions and my wife, Amber. She Painted the Full Hive and Stand that we hope to transfer the Base to. After painting the Hive Box to Help Weather It, I add the Corner Flashing and Entrance Gates to the Hive. -Written 6/2/2021 After only 5 Days from Setting Up a Swarm Trap, It had a Family of Bees Move in.Written: 6/14/2021 After about Three Weeks of Letting them build Up in the Swarm Trap, It was Finally Time to Transfer the Swarm.